Arts Festival Activities

art by Seljan Abushova, grade 8

You can click on these links to learn more about the connections between the Arts and the world we live in, or to get ideas for activities you can do to celebrate our Arts Festival.

BLIS Student Council Presents:

Famous Scientists who were also Artists; and famous Artists who were also Scientists.

Stuco Art Festival

Join Elementary School in the Erwin Wurm One Minute Sculpture Challenge

Elementary art show 21

Send your photos to to see your photos uploaded here later. All ages and grades welcome:)

A CHALLENGE - for middle and high school students who like science and engineering: NASA meets Origami.

Listen to the TED talk, then complete the activity in the link. How could you personalize that activity with an aesthetic touch?

TED talk:

Instructions for activity:

send your creations to to see your work uploaded here at a later date